Pemex’s Salina Cruz Refinery Halts Operations

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Salina Cruz Refinery in Oaxaca. Source: Bloomberg

(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 9.Aug.2018 – Pemex’s Salina Cruz refinery halted operations Wednesday night due to a power outage.

The refinery, located in Oaxaca, is one of six refineries owned by Pemex, and is currently processing 238,000 barrels per day (b/d), reported the daily newspaper El Financiero. The refinery has a refining capacity of 330,000 b/d, the daily added.

The refinery “is in the process of being started,” reported El Financiero, citing a Pemex spokesperson. The name of the official wasn’t revealed by the daily.

Operations at the refinery are expected to resume shortly, the official added.


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