Barbados Caps Fuel Prices, PM Mottley Says

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 15.Aug.2022) — Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has capped fuel prices through January 2023 after earlier reducing the value added tax on electrical usage.

“Bajans, I hear and I feel you. I know these are increasingly difficult times for many. It is for that reason my government has capped the price of gas at the pump at $4.48 per liter and diesel at $4.03 per liter from 19 August 2022, until 31 January 2023,” Mottley — who has served as the Caribbean country’s PM since May 2018 — wrote 15 August 2022 in a Twitter post.

She continued: “This comes against the backdrop of last month’s relief efforts, where we reduced VAT on electricity usage, signed a Social Partnership Food Compact to reduce the prices of a number of essential items until 31 January 2023 and provide hot lunches to school children over the summer.”


By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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