PascualesCuena Product Pipeline Online in May 2016

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 5.Apr.2016, Clifford Fingers III) – Construction of the Pascuales-Cuenca product pipeline will allow EP PetroEcuador to develop a LPG transport and distribution system to supply the southern region of the country, reported the state company in an official statement.

Construction of the pipeline will also allow the company to reduce risk related to constant use of roadways and CO2 emissions due to the reduced use of transport trucks.

Additionally, construction of the pipeline will allow PetroEcuador to eliminate product transport via transport trucks in the southern region of the country; thus, further reducing depreciation of the country’s roadways as well as vehicle congestion in the region.

The total budget for the project is $578.2 million, of which $541.9 million was invested in 2015. As of year-end 2015 the project had reached a completion status of 97.2 percent. It was estimated that the pipeline was to be online and completely operational by May 31, 2016.

The first part of the pipeline will include a 10-inch pipeline spanning 103 kilometers and will connect the Pascuales station with the La Troncal terminal and be able to transport 46,500 barrels per day.

The second part of the pipeline will include an 8-inch pipeline spanning 112 kilometers and will connect the La Troncal terminal with the Cuenca terminal and be able to transport 30,800 barrels per day.


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