Cox Energy Starts Dual Listing On Spain’s BME Growth

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(Cox Energy, 22.Nov.2021) — Cox Energy América (BIVA/BMV: COXA*), the first photovoltaic solar energy company to be listed on a Latin American stock exchange, announces to its shareholders and the general public that, in accordance with the resolutions issued at the ordinary and extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting held on 16 November 2021, Cox formally initiates the process to dual listing its representative shares of the company’s share capital in the Spanish market. The listing process will be in the BME Growth stock exchange in Spain, a platform that optimizes access to capital markets for growing companies.

The authorization to list the company on the Spanish market comes after the approval of the third Item on the meeting agenda, which recognizes and approves each of the procedures, promotions, arrangements, and acts that are necessary or convenient to carry out the dual listing on the BME Growth exchange. This transaction is subject to the aforementioned procedure being carried out in compliance with the applicable legislation and, in general, maintaining the subscription of all documents, execution of procedures, publications, notices and/or any other necessary or convenient acts.

José Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza, Cox Energy América’s CEO, commented: “Cox Energy America’s dual listing will allow us to access to a greater number of investors, increasing the visibility and marketability of the stock and thus, we will be able to offer a greater return to our shareholders. I am convinced that the Company has the talent, structure and tools necessary to be able to operate actively in both the Mexican and Spanish stock markets.”

He added: “We will continue to seek capitalization options that guarantee our growth, managing a portfolio of projects that allows us to supply the region’s short- and long-term renewable energy needs, while operating under the highest ESG standards.”


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