Petrobras On Campos Basin Teaser

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(Petrobras, 22.Oct.2021) — Petrobras informs that it has started the opportunity disclosure stage (teaser), regarding  the  sale of its entire stake (100%) in the Catuá Field, belonging to the BC-60 Exploratory Block, located in the Campos Basin, in the state of Espírito Santo.

The teaser, which includes  key  information  about  the opportunity, as well as the eligibility criteria  for the selection of potential participants, is available on the Petrobras Investor Relations website:

The main subsequent stages of the project will be reported to the market in due course.

This  disclosure is in accordance with Petrobras’ internal rules and with the provisions of the special procedure for assignment of rights to exploration, development and production of oil, natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, provided for in Decree 9,355/2018.

This transaction is in line with the company’s strategy of portfolio optimization, debt reduction, and capital  allocation improvement, as it increasingly concentrates its resources in world-class assets in deep and ultradeep waters, where Petrobras has shown a great competitive differential over the years.

About Catuá Field

The Concession Contract nº 48000.003560/97-49 refers to the exploratory concession of the BC-60 Block acquired in Round Zero of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels  (ANP). This contract has Petrobras  as operator, with 100% stake, and encompasses other fields besides the Catuá Field, which will not be part of the present assignment of rights process.

The concession area is located in the territorial waters of the Espírito Santo State, about 128 km off the coast, in water depths that vary between 1,700 and 1,950 m.

There are 4 wells drilled in the Field where light oils were found in carbonatic reservoirs.


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