Shell Updates On African Assets In Annual Report

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(Shell, 1.Apr.2021) — Shell provided details in its 2020 annual report related to its operations in Africa from Egypt, Nigeria and Algeria, among other countries. What follows is a summary from the report.



We have a 50% interest in the Badr Petroleum Company (BAPETCO), a joint venture between Shell and the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC). BAPETCO operates 10 oil- and gas-producing concessions and two exploration concessions, (North East Obaiyed, North Matruh), in the Western Desert. We also have onshore concessions with 100% Shell interest (West El Fayum, South East Horus, South Abu Sennan) and one producing concession extension (Bed 2-17). In 2021, we agreed to sell our onshore upstream assets in Egypt. The deal is expected to be completed in the second half of 2021. 


Our share of production, onshore and offshore, in Nigeria was 223 thousand boe/d in 2020, compared with 266 thousand boe/d in 2019. Security issues, sabotage and crude oil theft in the Niger Delta remained significant challenges in 2020.


The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC) is the operator of a joint venture (Shell interest 30%) that, after the completion of the sale of its interest in OML 17 on 15 January 2021, has 16 Niger Delta onshore oil mining leases (OML).

SPDC started litigation in May 2019 against the Federal Government (FGN) in the domestic court to challenge the non-renewal of oil mining lease 11 (OML 11). In August 2019, the Federal High Court ruled in favour of SPDC, affirming that it has fulfilled its obligations under the law for the renewal of OML 11. The court ordered the FGN to renew OML 11 for 20 years. In December 2019, the court refused to grant an application by the FGN to suspend the implementation of the judgement. The FGN appealed the court’s decision and, in February 2021, the Court of Appeal granted a stay of the judgment in favour of FGN thereby suspending implementation pending a determination of the appeal on the merits. SPDC is taking various steps to protect its right to continue operating OML 11 pending a determination of the appeal.

In separate litigation, in August 2020, the Rivers State Government (RVSG) obtained judgment against SPDC. This judgement, by the Rivers State High Court, sought to reinforce the RVSG’s purported purchase of SPDC’s interest in OML 11. The purported purchase was said to have occurred through a court-auction sale arising out of the Ejema Ebubu (Ogoniland) community litigation. SPDC has appealed against the judgement of the Rivers State High Court.

Notwithstanding the FGN appeal and the judgement in favour of the RVSG, SPDC continues to operate OML 11. In doing so, it is supported by the August 2019 Federal High Court judgement in its favour, which remains in force. 

SPDC supplies gas to Nigeria LNG Ltd mainly through its Gbaran-Ubie and Soku projects. 


Our main offshore deep-water activities are carried out by Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Limited (SNEPCO, Shell interest 100%). SNEPCO has interests in four deep-water blocks, three of which are under PSC terms: the producing assets Bonga (OML 118) and Erha (OML 133) and the non-producing asset Bolia Chota (OML 135). SNEPCO operates OMLs 118 (including the Bonga field FPSO, Shell interest 55%) and 135 (Bolia and Doro, Shell interest 55%) and has a 43.8% non-operating interest in OML 133 (including the Erha FPSO). Separately, SNEPCO holds a 50% non-operating interest in oil prospecting licence (OPL) 245 (Zabazaba, Etan) under a production-sharing agreement.

Authorities in various countries are investigating our investment in Nigerian oil block OPL 245 and the 2011 settlement of litigation pertaining to that block. See Note 25 to the “Consolidated Financial Statements” on pages 206-208.

SPDC also has three shallow-water licences (OMLs 74, 77 and 79) and a 40% interest in the non-Shell-operated Sunlink joint venture that has one shallow-water licence (OML 144).

In our Nigerian operations, we face various risks and adverse conditions which could have a significant adverse effect on our operational performance, earnings, cash flows and financial condition (see “Risk factors” on pages 18-22. There are limitations to the extent to which we can mitigate these risks. We carry out regular portfolio assessments to remain a competitive player in Nigeria for the long term. We support the Nigerian government’s efforts to improve the efficiency, functionality and domestic benefits of Nigeria’s oil and gas industry. We monitor legislative developments and the security situation. We liaise with host communities, governmental and non-governmental organisations to help promote peace and safe operations. We continue to be transparent about how we manage and report spills, and how we deploy oil-spill response capability and technology. We implement a maintenance strategy to support sustainable equipment reliability and have begun a multi-year programme to reduce routine flaring of associated gas.

Rest of Africa

We also have interests in Algeria, Mauritania, Namibia, São Tomé and Principe, South Africa, Tanzania and Tunisia.


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