Ecopetrol On Decision Related To Lisama 158 Well

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(Ecopetrol, 9.Feb.2021) — Ecopetrol S.A. has been notified of the decision issued by Colombia’s National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA), as per Resolution 290 of 9 February 2021, whereby a fine has been imposed on Ecopetrol S.A. in the amount of COP$ 3,863,918,267 for the oil seepage in the vicinity of the Lisama 158 Well, which occurred in March 2018. ANLA’s decision partially revoked the sanction previously imposed, which was in the amount of COP $ 5,155,000,000 as reported by Ecopetrol on 29 January 2020 through this same medium.

Pursuant to the Environmental Recovery Plan as approved by ANLA, Ecopetrol carried out tasks, such as fine cleaning in the affected bodies of water, wildlife reincorporation in the Lizama and Caño La Muerte streams, beginning the recovery of the riparian forest by planting native species of the region and structuring 33 social and environmental investment projects in the aggregate amount of COP$ 23,769mn, among the main activities.

Currently, Ecopetrol continues monitoring activities to verify the quality of surface water, groundwater, sediments and air, with results that fall within the reference values allowed by the environmental authority.

Ecopetrol respects and abides by the decisions of the surveillance and control agencies. Nevertheless, Ecopetrol will evaluate whether it will appeal the decision issued by the ANLA.


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