Pemex Finds New Oil Deposits in GOM

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(Pemex, 10.Jun.2015) – Emilio Lozoya, CEO of Petróleos Mexicanos, announced the first hydrocarbon discoveries made took advantage of the new tools provided by the Energy Reform. This is the first tangible result in exploration activities, after the approval of the reform in Aug.2014.

Taking into account the short period for its development and the size of the deposits found, these discoveries represent the greatest exploratory success of Pemex in the last 5 years after the TsiminXux and Ayatsil discoveries.

At the opening of the Mexican Petroleum Congress, Lozoya specified that there are four new fields with important hydrocarbon potential in shallow waters of the area known as Litoral of Tabasco and to a structure near the Cantarell complex to start production within approximately 16 months and achieve a stable production platform 20 months later.     In this sense, an incremental production of at least 200,000 b/d of crude oil and 170 MMcf/d of gas is expected.     From the aggregate amount mentioned, 100,000 b/d and about 80 MMcf/d could be produced in the Campeche sound which could be incorporated into production in the short term due to their proximity to other fields’ infrastructure, and will help revert the declining trend of this area.

Furthermore, the discoveries made in the Litoral of Tabasco provide an additional production of about 100,000 b/d of light oil and 90 MMcf/d.

The CEO of Pemex stated that the characterization studies estimate the existence of total reserves in these oilfields of nearly 350 Mmboe.

Lozoya pointed out that these discoveries are a result of recent exploration works carried out by Pemex, using cutting edge technology both desk and field with better seismic definition.

Petróleos Mexicanos is achieving one of its strategic objectives by increasing inventory reserves based on sustainability criteria and competitive discovery costs, said Lozoya.


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