Pemex, STPRM Review Collective Labor Deal

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(Pemex, 16.Jun.2015) – Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Petroleum Workers’ Union (STPRM, Sindicato de Trabajadores Petroleros de la República Mexicana, for its acronym in Spanish) started negotiations for the revision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement 2015-2017, which will come into force on 1.Aug.2015.

Emilio Lozoya, CEO of Pemex, stated that the company’s employees are its greatest asset, who, he affirmed, have stood out for their dedication, professionalism and commitment.

He pointed out that this is the first revision of the Agreement after the approval of the constitutional reform that has transformed the structure of the Mexican oil and gas industry. In this regard, he acknowledged that the challenge lies in adjusting labor relations to the new reality.

The challenge we face today is to transform Pemex into the most competitive company in the industry and an international benchmark; and for this, he said, we will have the active participation of workers.

After indicating that through the institutional and responsible dialogue in this revision process of the Collective Bargaining Agreement Pemex will be strengthened, Lozoya assured that the labor rights of the workers will be fully respected.

In turn, the Secretary-General of the Union, Senator Carlos Romero Deschamps, reiterated the willingness of the oil workers to support the transformation of Pemex and he emphasized that they are prepared to face the challenge of competition in an open market.

We have come, he stated, with full willingness, a constructive spirit and deeply interested in Pemex’s great performance; which today, as a productive State enterprise, will be consolidated as a highly competitive entity. “We are convinced that the greatest asset to achieve these goals is the quality of its human capital.”

Romero stated that in face of the interests that have tried to devalue the responsible stance of the oil workers at this stage of transition, the Union reiterates its willingness to engage in an open and purposeful dialogue. We know, he stressed, that there are others who would like to see in us the stridency of those who, unable to agree, opt for scandal.

Likewise, he argued that the Union has been a factor of labor stability and will now be an essential support in this new stage of Pemex, in which it will remain a pillar of development.

Both Lozoya and Romero expressed confidence that the company and the Union will lead this revision to fruition in order to improve the labor conditions of workers.

The Collective Bargaining Agreement governing Pemex was first signed in 1942 and has been revised 34 times.


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