Petrobras Says Buzios Oil Field Achieved New Record

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(Reuters, 29.Jun.2020) — Brazil’s Petrobras said that its platforms P-74, P-75, P-76 and P-77 located in the deepwater Buzios oil field, the largest in the world, achieved record production levels on June 27, totalling 664,000 bpd and 822,000 boed.

The oil company said it sold 764,000 cubic meters of diesel between June 14 and June 20, compared to 757,000 in the last week of March, before restrictions were put in place in parts of Brazil to try to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

The highest-selling week since March 1 took place between May 3 and May 9, when Petrobras sold 879,000 cubic meters of diesel.

Gas sales were slightly below pre-pandemic levels, totaling 341,000 cubic meters between June 14 and June 20 compared to 354,000 in March.

Gas sales peaked in the week between May 10 and May 16, totaling 459,000 cubic meters, compared to a low record of 146,000 cubic meters in late March.

Claudio Mastella, who heads commercialization efforts at Petrobras, said in an online conference organized by FGV Energia that the oil company had managed to keep production levels at its refineries at levels close or higher than those before the pandemic.


Reporting by Roberto Samora; Editing by Sandra Maler and Sonya Hepinstall

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