Petrobras Reports On Debentures Public Offering

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(Petrobras, 30.Aug.2019) — Petrobras was notified on the suspension of the public offering of simple, non-convertible, unsecured debentures, in up to three (3) series, of the seventh (7th) issue of the company (“Debentures”), for a period of up to 30 days, by decision of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”).

CVM understood that holding and disclosing an interview conducted by XP Investimentos Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A., on 27 Aug. 2019, with the Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer, Andrea Almeida, did not comply with the Art. 48 of CVM Instruction 400, which provides issuer, offeror and intermediary institutions involved in a public offering of distribution shall not make any statements over the media about the offer or the offeror until the announcement of the distribution completion.

The company clarifies that investors who have already adhered to the Offering – if they wish to do so – will have five business days to withdraw from the investment, pursuant to the Preliminary Prospectus disclosed on 16 Aug. 2019.

Petrobras is currently evaluating the consequences on the Offering estimated schedule and will keep the market duly informed of any adjustments that may be necessary in connection with the suspension of the Offering. 

The company reaffirms that investors must base their investment decision on the Offering documentation (notably the Preliminary Prospectus and the Reference Form of the company) as well as information disclosed by the Issuer as a result of its obligations as a public company, and shall disregard any statements made by its representatives, which may contain personal views not related to technical aspects and without presenting to potential investors the risks associated to the securities issued.


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