Ecopetrol Reveals Senior Management Changes

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(Ecopetrol, 17.Jan.2024) — Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) informs that, the following changes will be made in its senior management:

Alejandro Arango, who has been serving as Corporate Vice President of Human Talent, presented his voluntary resignation from the position, which was accepted as of 18 Jan. 2024. 

Victoria Irene Sepúlveda, current Leadership and Development Manager, will be in charge of this Vice Presidency from 19 Jan. 2024 until the date in which a new appointment for the position is made.

Fernán Ignacio Bejarano, current Legal Vice President, will carry out his duties until 31 Jan. 2024. 

Rodolfo Mario García Paredes, current Manager of New Business and Corporate Legal Consulting, will be in charge of this Vice Presidency from 1 Feb. 2024 until the date in which a new appointment for the position is made.

Pedro Manrique Gutiérrez, who served as Commercial and Marketing Vice President, will retire on 19 Jan. 2024. 

Felipe Trujillo López, current Product and Petrochemical Manager, will be in charge of this Vice Presidency from 20 Jan. 2024 until the date in which a new appointment for the position is made.

Ecopetrol S.A. expresses its gratitude to doctors Alejandro Arango, Fernán Bejarano and Pedro Manrique for their valuable management, their contributions to the milestones achieved by Ecopetrol and wishes them much success in their new professional affairs.


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