Ecopetrol Shareholders’ to Amend Bylaws [PDF Download]

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(Ecopetrol, 11.Jan.2024) — Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) reports that during the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting held on 10 Jan. 2024, previously called in accordance with the legal and statutory requirements applicable to the company, the shareholders approved the amendment to the bylaws proposed by the majority shareholder, in accordance with the provisions of article 187, paragraph 1, of the Commercial Code.

Additionally, as informed by the secretary of the meeting, shareholders ruled on the other points on the agenda as shown below:

Matter submitted for consideration by the Shareholders’ AssemblyPercentage of votes in favor  Percentage of votes against
Approval of the agenda99.98 %0.01 %
Appointment of the President of the
General Shareholders’ meeting
99.98 %0.01 %
Appointment of the Election Commission  and General Shareholders’ Meeting Scrutiny99.98 %0.01 %
Appointment of the Review Commission  and Approval of the General Shareholders’ Meeting Minutes99.99 %0.0002 %
Presentation and approval of the Bylaws amendment98.15 %1.84 %

Note: For all agenda items, blank votes were cast, the percentages of which ranged between 0.00000001% and 0.00027694%. The figures included in the table do not include all decimals, which will be included in the final text of the minutes of the assembly.

To be effective, the amendment to the bylaws must be subject to formalities, including its registry before the Commercial Registry. Once the amendment has been duly solemnized and registered before the Commercial Registry, Ecopetrol will notify the public of this event by this same means.


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