Petrobras on Answer to Letter from the Ministry of Mines and Energy

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(Petrobras, 19.May.2023) — Petrobras answered, on today’s date, to the requests contained in Official Letter nr. 386/2023/GM-MME, from the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), in the terms below:

  1. Regarding the denial by IBAMA of the environmental licensing process for Block FZA-M-59 in Amapá Águas Profundas, Petrobras understands that it strictly complied with all the requirements of the licensing process, and all the resources mobilized in Amapá and Pará to conduct the Pre-Operational Assessment (simulated to test the emergency response plans) were made possible strictly in accordance with the decisions and approvals of that body, as recorded in public records, following the legal and regulatory guidelines in force.
  2. Given this context, Petrobras informs that it will exercise its right to file a Request for Reconsideration with the Presidency of IBAMA, in order to demonstrate compliance with all the requirements repeatedly presented by the federal licensing body during the licensing process (Process SEI 02001.013852/2023-87), allowing the body to administratively review Order No. 15786950/2023-Gabin, in order to allow the continuity of the environmental licensing process in question. Petrobras intends to submit the Reconsideration Request before the expiration of the legal deadline, on May 24, 2023.
  3. In relation to the possibility of maintaining the rig and the resources for additional time to carry out the well in its current location, the Company’s technical evaluation concludes that it is possible to maintain the rig and its resources mobilized until 05/29/2023, without Petrobras incurring additional costs to those it has already been incurring due to the inconclusiveness of the environmental licensing process by IBAMA.
  4. As of this date, without a conclusive opinion from IBAMA allowing the Pre-Operational Assessment within the environmental licensing process, Petrobras will incur unjustified additional costs, which will require the rig and other resources mobilized in the region of Block FZA-M-59 to be directed to the Company’s activities in the Southeastern Basins.


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