Petrobras on BioRefining Program

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(Petrobras, 17.Apr.2023) — Petrobras, regarding the pieces of news published in the media, clarifies that as part of its BioRefining Program it is conducting new project studies to expand the production of Diesel R, Petrobras fuel produced by co-processing mineral diesel with vegetable oil, which contains a portion of green diesel (HVO), which may vary from 5% (R5 Diesel) to 10% (R10 Diesel).

Adjustments are being studied for the co-processing of R Diesel fuel at the REGAP (Gabriel Passos Refinery) and RNEST (Abreu e Lima Refinery) refineries. New plants dedicated to the production of R100 Diesel will also be assessed, with 100% sustainable raw material, at RNEST and at the Gaslub Pole, which may have the scope expanded to produce second-generation petrochemical products.

The Strategic Plan 2023-27 already includes investments of US$4.4bn in projects focused on the energy transition towards low carbon initiatives, of which US$600mn in the BioRefining Program, aimed at developing more modern and sustainable fuels at the RPBC (Presidente Bernardes Refinery), REPAR (Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery), REDUC (Duque de Caxias Refinery) and REPLAN (Paulínia Refinery) refineries.

The new studies are in line with the proposals to be considered in the Company’s Strategic Planning, as communicated on 03/31/2023, in the sense of emphasizing the adequacy and improvement of the current refining park through gains in efficiency and the conjugation of raw materials from a renewable matrix in the development of resilient industrial processes and sustainable products.

It is important to note that these studies are preliminary and will still be submitted to the company’s governance bodies.


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