Factsheet: Chile’s Energy Minister and Undersecretary

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(Chile’s Energy Ministry, 30.Jun.2021) — Details regarding Chile’s energy minister Juan Carlos Jobet and undersecretary Francisco Javier López follow.

Energy Minister, Juan Carlos Jobet

Jobet holds a degree in Commercial Engineering from the Universidad Católica and a master’s degree in Business Administration and another in Public Administration from Harvard University. Between 2000 and 2010, he began his career in the corporate financial advising firm Asset Chile.

Energy Minister, Juan Carlos Jobet. Source: Chile’s Energy Ministry

In 2010, he joined President Sebastián Piñera’s first administration as Cabinet Chief for Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter, playing a key role in the Emergency Committee created to address the rebuilding of the country following the February 2010 earthquake.

On 29 July 2011, he was appointed Housing Undersecretary, continuing with the work of reconstruction and boosting the role that the ministry played in urban development.

On 24 July 2013, he was appointed Labor and Social Welfare Minister, focusing on extending preschool services to the children of all working women, a mission that he described at the time as a project that “levels the playing field for children.”

After working in various roles in the private sector, in January 2019 he took on the responsibility of directing the Infrastructure Fund, a new state-run entity designed to develop new public infrastructure such as roadways, railways and ports.

He is now taking on an even greater challenge: leading the Energy Ministry, which has as its mission moving Chile towards a new greener, carbon-free energy matrix with a focus on non-conventional renewable energies and making Chile carbon-neutral.

Energy Undersecretary, Francisco Javier López

Energy Undersecretary, Francisco Javier López. Source: Chile’s Energy Ministry

Mr. López holds a law degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and LL.M. and Certificate in Business Administration from Northwestern University School of Law.

During the first administration of President Sebastián Piñera, he served as legal advisor to the Public Health Undersecretariat, and as chief of staff of the Budget Office of the Ministry of Finance.

In President Piñera’s current administration, he served as chief of staff and coordinator of Water Policies of the Public Works Ministry and, before taking office in his new position in the Energy Ministry, he served as regulatory and legislative coordinator of the Economy Ministry.


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