Pemex To Acquire Shell’s Interest In Deer Park Refinery

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(Shell, 24.May.2021) Shell Oil Company, a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell plc, reached agreement for the sale of its interest in Deer Park Refining Limited Partnership, a 50-50 joint venture between Shell Oil Company and P.M.I. Norteamerica, S.A. De C.V. (a subsidiary of Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex). The transaction will transfer Shell’s interest in the partnership, and therefore full ownership of the refinery, to Pemex, subject to regulatory approvals.

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“Shell did not plan to market its interest in the Deer Park refinery; however, following an unsolicited offer from Pemex, we have reached an agreement to transfer our interest in the partnership to them,” said Huibert Vigeveno, Shell’s Downstream Director. “Pemex has been our strong and active partner at the Deer Park Refinery for nearly 30 years, and we will continue to work with them in an integrated way, including through our on-site chemicals facility, which Shell will retain. Above all, we remain committed to the wellbeing of our employees and will work closely with Pemex to ensure the continued prioritization of safe operations. We’re proud of our 90-plus year history as an operator and neighbor at Deer Park and we will continue to play an active role in the community”. 

The consideration for this transaction is $596mn which is a combination of cash and debt, plus the value of hydrocarbon inventory. This transaction allows Shell to further focus its refining footprint while also maintaining integration optionality and retaining value through its Chemicals and Trading activities.

The transaction is expected to close in 4Q:21.

Notes to Editors

  • The transaction covers the sale of Shell Oil Company’s 50.005% interest in Deer Park Refining Limited Partnership. Shell Chemical L.P. will continue to operate its 100% owned Deer Park Chemicals facility located adjacent to the site.
  • Deer Park employees will be assigned to either the Refinery or Chemical Plant assets. Employees assigned to the Refinery assets in scope for divestment will be offered employment by Pemex with effect upon closing in accordance with the transaction, and employees assigned to the Chemical Plant assets not in scope for divestment will continue employment with Shell. Pemex will recognize the United Steel Workers and adopt the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
  • The Deer Park Refinery has a crude oil capacity of 340,000 barrels per day. The refinery processes crudes from Mexico, Canada, the U.S., Africa and South America. Products produced by the refinery include gasoline, aviation fuels, diesel fuels, ship fuel and petroleum coke.
  • The hydrocarbon inventory will be valued at closing based on actual volumes and prevailing market prices. The current value of the hydrocarbon inventory would range from $250mn to $350mn in cash assuming current market prices and historic inventory volumes under normal operating conditions.
  • Deer Park Refining Limited Partnership is proportionally consolidated into Royal Dutch Shell plc’s International Financial Reporting Standards results.
  • In our 2020 Q3 results, we outlined the future of our Chemicals and Refining business. Shell plans to concentrate its refining portfolio to a smaller set of core sites that are integrated with Chemicals and Trading, which we refer to as Energy and Chemical Parks. These locations will maximize the integration benefits of conventional fuels and chemicals production while also offering new low carbon fuels and performance chemicals. They also offer future potential hubs for sequestration.
  • The United States will remain a key Manufacturing hub globally for Shell. Shell will retain a meaningful presence in Texas through its chemicals facility in Deer Park and its activities in the Permian Basin, and in Louisiana through its integrated refining and chemicals site at Norco, its chemicals facility at Geismar, midstream infrastructure assets, branded retail presence, Gulf of Mexico operations and offices in Houston and New Orleans. Shell will also maintain its marketing presence and continue to honor branded wholesale agreements within the Gulf Coast region. In addition, Shell will continue to invest in its Pennsylvania chemicals project.


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