Guyana’s President Comments On Energy Matters, Others

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 28.Apr.2021) — Guyana’s President Mohamed Irfaan Ali  held a press conference on 28 April 2021 and discussed energy matters while touching on oil revenues and local content, among other issues. What follows here are highlights from his briefing.

— “Granting of any new oil blocks will be an open public process. Discussions are still ongoing to decide whether Guyana itself will retain some of those blocks.”

— “Our energy mix will be broad and comprehensive beyond our shores.”

— “Oil revenues must be used to open up new opportunities; in creating those opportunities we have to ensure that there is equity and that there is no widening between those who have and those who do not have.”

— “On Local Content Policy: Companies in the private sector are transitioning to the standards required, once they meet those standards and are competitive in their pricing, those jobs must come to Guyana.”

— “While we work in partnership with the private sector, they also have a social responsibility to adjust margins to help the consumers.”

— “We continue to work with our Caricom partners as the lead for agriculture in the Region in advancing the initiatives for food production and security.”

RELATED STORY: Guyana Basins Summit Day 1 Recap

— “It is expected that by the end of this week, the 9 prequalified bidders for the new Demerara Harbour Bridge, will be invited to tender. We expect the bridge to be completed and delivered within 24 months from the commencement of its construction.”


By Piero Stewart. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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