Iranian Oil Tankers Entering Venezuelan, Syrian Ports

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(MEHR, 10.Jan.2021) — Tankertrackers reported that the Iranian oil and gasoline tankers have reached near Syria and Venezuela.

According to Tankertrackers, an Iranian tanker carrying two million barrels of crude oil shipments is crossing the Suez Canal and it will probably arrive in the Syrian port of Banias on Monday.

The tanker trackers also reported that three Iranian tankers, Forrest, Fortune, and Foxon, with a total of 130 million liters of gasoline, are arriving in Venezuela.

Earlier, Bloomberg reported that 10 Iranian tankers with gasoline consignment had left for Venezuela.

It usually takes 45 days for Iranian tankers to reach Venezuela via South Africa, and other Iranian tankers are expected to cross the southern African continent soon.

According to Tankers Trackers, these tankers usually carry Venezuelan heavy crude oil destined to Asian countries after unloading Iranian gasoline in Venezuelan ports.


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