Pemex Files 2019 Annual Report, Form 20-F

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(Pemex, 11.May.2020) — In compliance with the Disposiciones de Carácter General aplicables a las Emisoras de Valores y a Otros Participantes del Mercado de Valores, in May 8, Petróleos Mexicanos filed its Annual Report as of December 31, 2019.

Similarly, on the same day, PEMEX filed its Annual Report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the year ended December 31, 2019 on 20-F Form.

By submitting the reports described above and within the deadlines established by the regulators, Petróleos Mexicanos complies with its obligation to make the financial and operating information for fiscal year 2019 available to the investors and interested audience.

It is important to note that both the 20-F Form and the Annual Report include the financial statements together with the opinion issued by the independent external auditor on the financial information of Petróleos Mexicanos, which was issued with a unqualified opinion, i.e. without any identified exceptions. Remember that due to regulatory requirements in accounting and auditing issues, a paragraph emphasizing uncertainty related to going concern was included, as has been done since 2015. This uncertainty did not change the external auditor’s opinion and guaranteed business continuity for 2020 due to the financial and operational actions taken by the company.

Both the 20-F Form and the Annual Report can be consulted on our website in the investor relations section and on the Mexican Stock Exchange and the SEC websites. 

With these actions, PEMEX endorses its commitment to be a transparent company in constant compliance with its obligations for the benefit of our nation and all Mexicans.


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