Petrobras Finds Oil At Campos Basin Natator Well

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(Petrobras, 7.Apr.2020) — Petrobras informs that it has identified the presence of oil in a exploratory well of the Sudoeste de Tartaruga Verde block, located in the Campos Basin.

The well, informally called Natator, is located 130 km from the city of Macaé (RJ), in water depths of 1,080 meters, with the discovery of oil in carbonate reservoirs in the post-salt section. The well data will be analyzed to better target exploratory activities in the area and assess the potential of the discovery. 

The Sudoeste de Tartaruga Verde block, acquired in the 5th Production Sharing Round, in September 2018, is inserted in the so-called Pre-salt Polygon, under a production sharing regime. Petrobras is the operator of the block with 100% interest, with Pre-sal Petróleo S.A. (PPSA) as manager.


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