Guaido Names Execs To Debt Renegotiating Commission

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Jared Yamin, 13.Aug.2019) — Venezuela’s National Assembly leader Juan Guaido announced creation of a special commission dedicated to renegotiating the OPEC country’s public debt, the assembly reported Aug. 13 in an official statement.

A special presidential advisory commission selected to renegotiate public debt and appointed by the assembly include:

  • Central Bank of Venezuela President Dr. Ricardo Villasmil,
  • Dr. Alejandro Grisanti (representative for PDVSA),
  • Dr. Ricardo Hausmann (representative for the Inter-American Development Bank),
  • National Assembly Lawmaker Omar Barboza,
  • National Assembly Lawmaker Luis Silva,
  • Carlos Paparoni (president of the Parliament Finance Commission), and
  • José Ignacio Hernández (special attorney general for Venezuela)


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