Atacama Bio Launches Algae Astaxanthin

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(Atacama Bio, July 24, 2019) — Today, Iquique, Chile-based Atacama Bio Natural Products announced the introduction of NatAxtin™ branded natural astaxanthin available as biomass, oleoresin oil and powder for use in food, to the North American dietary supplement marketplace. Atacama Bio has manufactured natural Astaxanthin derived from Haematococcus pluvialis globally since 2003 with primary markets in Europe, India and Japan. Today’s announcement expands distribution of the branded ingredient to North America and underscores Atacama Bio’s commitment to be a global supplier of natural astaxanthin.

Atacama Bio uses the pristine environment offered by the Atacama Desert to produce one of the highest quality astaxanthin products offered in the world.

Atacama Bio uses the pristine environment offered by the Atacama Desert to produce one of the highest quality astaxanthin products offered in the world. The Atacama Desert offers air so clean and clear that more astronomical observatories are located in this desert than anywhere else in the world. The creation of this natural astaxanthin is supported by clean water received directly from the Andes Mountains to provide the most natural production of astaxanthin possible. The Atacama Bio facility is located in the Atacama Desert in the Andes mountains at an altitude of over 3,500 feet.

“The North American consumer is increasingly concerned about the quality, origin, and process of the ingredients used in their ingestible products,” said José Luis Arenas, Founder and CEO of Atacama Bio. “NatAxtin is produced to the highest quality standards utilizing the lowest energy process in a way that resembles nature. Atacama Bio’s commitment to both quality and ecology is unsurpassed. The people of Chile and Atacama Bio have proudly served this important ingredient to many people and now to the North American market.”

NatAxtin™ brand astaxanthin is manufactured exclusively by Atacama Bio in Chile.

About Atacama Bio Natural Products

Atacama Bio Natural Products S.A. is a private biotechnology corporation that cultures algae to extract healthy ingredients for human well-being. Its name comes after the surrounding Atacama Desert, which is world famous as the astronomer’s paradise due to its pristine atmosphere. Its location, away from any agricultural or populated areas, strongly guarantees secure algae cultivation with no environmental pollution. ***

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