7 Oil & Gas Problems That Mexico Must Solve

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(Forbes, Jude Clemente, 21.Apr.2019) — 1. Since peaking in 2004, Mexico’s oil production has been sliced in half to below 2 million b/d Although nearly 45% back then, oil revenues still account for 20-25% of the federal budget. Amid plummeting production, the country has actually been very lucky that domestic demand has remained surprisingly flat, thanks to a successful gas displacing fuel oil program in the power sector. Mexico’s proven oil reserves have collapsed from 50 billion barrels 20 years ago to just 7 billion barrels today. Exports to primary customer the U.S. have plummeted 60% since 2006 to 700,000 b/d in 2018, exacerbated by the American oil boom that has soared U.S. production 140% since 2008.

2. With upside domestic demand for gasoline and diesel fuel very strong, new President AMLO (who only gets to serve one six-year term) wants to focus on more refineries, to reverse the highly expensive and non-sensical requirement to export domestic crude to the U.S. for refining and then imported back into Mexico again. These refineries, however, can cost at least $8 billion. Last reported at $107 billion, state-owned Pemex is the most indebted oil and gas company in the world, where profits that should be used for more E&P investment get taken by the government.

3. With half of Mexico poor, leadership must satisfy the largest incremental energy needs of any member of the OECD. To illustrate, per capita, Mexicans consume just a third of the electricity and the oil of their OECD counterparts. This “absolutely sure to soar” domestic demand must be affordably met, or leadership confronts de Tocqueville’s “Revolution of Rising Expectations.” Huge amounts of domestic oil and gas are required because increasingly turning to foreign suppliers is sure to up costs.4. Mexico does not have the money or the experts needed to exploit its huge deepwater crude reserves (60 billion barrels or more) and the substantial shale oil and gas resources in the northeast of the country (550 Tcf of gas). Although the 2013 Energy Reforms were meant to bring in outside investment, technologies, competition, and expertise, President AMLO’s reversion to resource nationalism gives potential partners obvious pause for concern.

5. Every year, narco traffickers siphon billions of dollars worth of oil products from Mexico’s pipeline system. Drug gangs continue to create massive security problems in the country that are also scaring away companies from working to develop Mexico’s shale oil and gas resources. “How AMLO Is Taking on Mexico’s Billion-Dollar Gasoline Thieves.

Corruption within governments, Pemex, and CFE helping the drug trade continues to run rampant stealing the resources that belong to Mexico’s 135 million people. Construction plans are way too slow: only 3,000 miles in gas pipelines, for instance, have been built since 2012. Over a third of households suffer “energy poverty” from a lack of access.

6. Mexico must also produce increasing amounts of natural gas, as the country continues to shift more to gas for electricity and industrial usage. Mexico currently gets 60% of its power from gas, and 65% of the country’s total gas usage is supplied by the U.S. In Mexico, this overreliance on the U.S. is becoming more of a concern since the U.S. seeks to export huge amounts of gas (via LNG) to countries all over the world.

The U.S. currently has a whopping 55 Bcf/d of LNG under consideration (which equates to ~63% of current U.S. gas production) and will double LNG export facilities to six by the end of the summer. For Mexico, associated gas accounts for 75% of domestic supply, so its geology has proven that more crude output is essential to expanding the domestic stockpile of gas. Making all of this worse, Mexico has no national strategy or underground storage for natural gas, quickly becoming its “go-to” fuel

7. Mexico’s pipeline system is woefully short, and new builds have faced unexpected pushback from environmental and Indigenous peoples rights groups. Slowing delivery and increasing costs, a pipeline dearth forces Mexico to import huge amounts of LNG from the U.S., which is some 50% more expensive than piped imports. This more costly supply is a big problem for a population that simply cannot afford higher cost energy and a country pushing a manufacturing boom based on low cost energy.

And never forget that Mexico’s 2013 deregulation was based on extending self-sufficiency, not on increasing reliance on supply from the U.S. Pipeline constraints mean power outages and supply curtailments. CFE is now seeking to renegotiate the take-or-pay clauses of contracts that could mean wasting tens of billions of dollars for gas that is not even being delivered.


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