Bristow’s Market Outlook, Comments On Brexit

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(Bristow, 31.Jan.2019) — Bristow Group Inc. provided a market outlook and comments on Brexit as well as selected regional perspectives.

What follows are excerpts from Bristow’s quarter report for the period ended December 31, 2018.

Market Outlook

Our core business is providing industrial aviation services primarily to the worldwide oil and gas industry. We also provide public and private sector SAR services and fixed wing transportation services. Our global operations and critical mass of helicopters provide us with geographic and customer diversity which helps mitigate risks associated with a single market or customer.

The oil and gas business environment has experienced significant volatility since fiscal year 2015. Brent crude oil prices declined from approximately$106 per barrel as of July 1, 2014 to a low of approximately $26 per barrel in February 2016. A recovery in Brent crude oil prices followed to approximately$77 per barrel as of June 27, 2018 with another decline to approximately $44 per barrel as of December 27, 2018. Brent crude oil prices were approximately$45 per barrel as of December 31, 2018. The decrease in oil prices beginning in fiscal year 2015 was driven by increased global supply primarily from unconventional oil resources in the U.S. Permian Basin and forecasts of reduced demand for crude oil resulting from weaker global economic growth in many regions of the world. The oil price decline negatively impacted the cash flow of our customers and resulted in their implementation of measures to reduce operational and capital costs, negatively impacting helicopter activity beginning in fiscal year 2015. These cost reductions have continued into fiscal year2019 and have impacted both the offshore production and the offshore exploration activity of our customers. The largest share of our revenue relates to oil and gas production; however, our largest contract, the contract with the U.K. Department for Transport to provide public sector SAR services for all of the U.K. (the “U.K. SAR contract”), is not directly impacted by declining oil prices. However, the significant drop in the price of crude oil resulted in the rescaling, delay or cancellation of planned offshore projects which has negatively impacted our operations and could continue to negatively impact our operations in future periods.

To further reduce costs and make offshore drilling more financially attractive, the industry is implementing technology-driven solutions that could result in increased transportation needs initially but could result in decreased activity once complete. Recently, we have seen opportunities in market share gains rather than increased activity. Our oil and gas markets remain competitive as material cost reductions and technological improvements have taken place in the offshore supply chain. The continued volatility of oil prices combined with the excess supply of aircraft could continue to impact the price and demand for helicopters and may continue to have a material impact on our financial position, cash flow and results of operations.

The SAR market is continuing to evolve and we believe further outsourcing of public SAR services to the private sector will continue in the future,although the timing of these opportunities is uncertain. The customers for our SAR services include both the oil and gas industry and governmental agencies. We are pursuing other public and oil and gas SAR opportunities for multiple aircraft in various jurisdictions around the globe and other non-SAR government aircraft logistics opportunities.

Like many of our competitors and other service providers to exploration and production companies, we responded to the constraints in the market during the past four years by implementing cost efficiencies both in our global operations as well as in our corporate headquarters, comprehensively reviewing operational and commercial dealings, exploring value-additive acquisitions and dispositions and developing strategic initiatives. We pursued a strategy of maximizing liquidity and financial flexibility through asset-level borrowings and secured equipment lease transactions. Together with revenue from operations, this additional liquidity allowed us to service our debt and provided a runway to maintain operations through the downturn.

Additionally, we took the following actions in an effort to address the downturn:

— In early fiscal year 2018, we took steps to increase cost efficiency by optimizing our operations around two primary geographical hubs in key areasof our business, Europe and the Americas.

–We increased our financial flexibility by entering into new secured equipment financings that resulted in aggregate proceeds of $630 million funded in fiscal years 2017 and 2018. Additionally, in fiscal year 2018, we completed the sale of $143.8 million of the 4½% Convertible Senior Notes due2023 (the “4½% Convertible Senior Notes”) and $350 million of the 8.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2023 (the “8.75% Senior Secured Notes”). In April 2018, we entered into a new asset-backed revolving credit facility (the “ABL Facility”) as discussed in Note 5 in the “Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements” included elsewhere in this Quarterly Report and under “— Recent Events” below.

— We worked with our original equipment manufacturers (“OEMs”) to defer approximately $190 million of capital expenditures relating to fiscal years2018 through 2020 into fiscal year 2020 and beyond and more recently deferred approximately $100 million in capital expenditures for fiscal years2019 to 2023 into fiscal year 2024 and beyond. We achieved $136 million in cost recoveries from OEMs related to ongoing aircraft issues, of which$125 million was recovered in fiscal year 2018 and $11 million was recovered in May 2018.

— We took significant steps to reduce general and administrative costs that included downsizing our corporate office and the size of our senior management team. Consistent with our STRIVE strategy, we are better positioned to win contracts because we are a more nimble, regionally focused and cost efficient business.

— August 2017, we suspended our quarterly dividend as part of a broader plan of reducing costs and improving liquidity. By suspending this $0.07per share quarterly dividend, we expect to preserve approximately $10 million of cash annually.

Ultimately, however, given the continuing challenges in the offshore oil and gas industry and other matters impacting liquidity, the rate at which our cash position was declining began to increase, and we evaluated our strategic alternatives for the benefit of all our stakeholders, including our customers,employees, creditors and other investors. The fundamental shifts in the energy markets and in particular, offshore spending, have required us to re-think the strategic business plan to restructure with an eye toward an inevitable consolidation in the market for helicopter services. While we have maintained our leading market share, industry demand has declined precipitously, rending existing business models unsustainable and creating substantial overcapacity in the marketplace.

On the Petition Date, the Debtors filed the Chapter 11 Cases in the Bankruptcy Court seeking relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. TheDebtors’ Chapter 11 Cases are jointly administered under the caption In re: Bristow Group Inc., et al., Main Case No. 19-32713. The Debtors continue to operate their businesses and manage their properties as “debtors-in-possession” under the jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy Court and in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Code and orders of the Bankruptcy Court.


In a referendum held on June 23, 2016, voters in the U.K. approved the exit of the U.K. from the E.U. On March 29, 2017, the U.K. government commenced the exit process under Article 50 of the Treaty of the European Union by notifying the European Council of the U.K.’s intention to leave the E.U.This notification started a two-year time period that ended on March 29, 2019 for the U.K. and the remaining E.U. Member States to negotiate a withdrawal agreement. The U.K. and the E.U. were unable to negotiate a formal withdrawal agreement, and the Brexit date was extended until April 12, 2019 and further extended until October 31, 2019, although Brexit may become effective before such date under certain specified circumstances. Negotiations remain ongoing to determine the future terms of the U.K.’s relationship with the E.U. The impact on the Company’s business as a result of Brexit will depend, in part, on the outcome of tariff, trade, regulatory and other negotiations.

As a result of the referendum, the global markets and currencies have been adversely impacted, including a sharp decline in the value of the British pound sterling as compared to the U.S. dollar. Volatility in exchange rates resulting from Brexit is expected to continue in the short term as the U.K.negotiates its exit from the E.U. In addition, Brexit could create uncertainty with respect to the legal and regulatory requirements to which we and our customers in the U.K. are subject and lead to potentially divergent national laws and regulations as the U.K. determines which E.U. laws to replace or replicate, and those laws and regulations may be cumbersome, difficult or costly in terms of compliance. Any of these effects of Brexit, among others, could have a material adverse effect on our current business and future growth.

Selected Regional Perspectives

We own an approximate 20% voting interest and a 41.9% economic interest in Líder, a provider of helicopter and executive aviation services in Brazil.Brazil represents a significant part of long term helicopter industry demand due to its concentration and size of its offshore oil reserves. However, in the short-term, Brazil and, specifically, Petrobras continue to evidence uncertainty as the price of oil and Petrobras’ restructuring efforts have impacted the helicopter industry. The Brazilian government has revisited the regulations on the oil and gas industry and made significant changes to the Brazilian market, including removing the requirement that Petrobras have 30% participation on all exploratory blocks, removing the requirement that Petrobras be the operator of all pre-salt blocks and approving the next round of licensing for new exploration blocks (six years after the last successful round). In addition, the Brazilian government is currently reviewing local content requirements, which has led other operators (including international oil companies) to initiate drilling activities. Petrobras’ new management has implemented a five-year business and management plan focused on divestment, mostly of its non-core businesses. Overall, the long-term Brazilian market outlook has improved with future opportunities for growth although Líder faces significant competition from a number of global and local helicopter service providers.

Líder’s management has significantly decreased their future financial projections as a result of recent tender awards announced by Petrobras. Petrobras represented 64% and 66% of Líder’s operating revenue in calendar years 2017 and 2016, respectively. This significant decline in future forecasted results,coupled with previous declining financial results, triggered our review of our investment in Líder for potential impairment as of March 31, 2018. Based on the estimated fair value of our investment, we recorded an $85.7 million impairment as of March 31, 2018. Our remaining investment in Líder as of December 31, 2018 is $52.7 million. Despite this impairment driven by an overall reduction in financial performance, Líder’s management expects to benefit from the recovery in the Brazilian market over the long-term. As of December 31, 2018, we have no aircraft on lease to Líder. In addition to uncertainty surrounding future financial performance, currency fluctuations continue to make it difficult to predict the earnings from our Líder investment. These currency fluctuations, which primarily do not impact Líder’s cash flow from operations, had a significant negative impact on Líder’s results in recent years,impacting our earnings (losses) from unconsolidated affiliates. Earnings (losses) from unconsolidated affiliates, net on our consolidated statements of operations, is included in calculating adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net income (loss) and adjusted diluted earnings (loss) per share.

We are subject to competition and the political environment in the countries where we operate. In Nigeria, we have seen an increase in competitive pressure and the application of existing local content regulations that could impact our ability to win future work at levels previously anticipated. In order to properly and fully embrace new regulations, we have made a number of key changes to our operating model in Nigeria, while maintaining safety as our number one priority at all times. The objectives of these changes being (a) enhancing the level of continued compliance by each of Bristow Helicopters Nigeria Ltd. (“BHNL”) and Pan African Airlines Nigeria Ltd. (“PAAN”) with local content regulations, (b) the streamlining of our operations in Nigeria,including an ongoing consolidation of operations of BHNL and BGI Aviation Technical Services Nigeria Limited (“BATS”) in order to achieve cost savings and efficiencies in our operations, and (c) each of BHNL and PAAN committing to continue to apply and use all key Bristow Group standards and policies,including without limitation our Target Zero safety program, our Code of Business Integrity and our Operations Manuals. As a result of these changes, our ability to continue to consolidate BHNL and PAAN under the current accounting requirements could change.

The operating results of Airnorth have declined during fiscal year 2019. Continuing declines or negative trends in operating results could lead to an impairment of goodwill, which as of December 31, 2018, was approximately $18.3 million. Management continues to monitor and analyze the results of Airnorth and at this time has concluded that no triggering event has occurred and will reassess as of March 31, 2019


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