Chile Says Study Of Interconnection Chile-Argentina Ready In 1Q:19

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Aaron Simonsky, 8.Dec.2018) — Chile’s Energy Minister Susana Jiménez announced a study aimed at identifying four alternatives for new electric interconnections between Chile and Argentina would be ready in the first quarter of 2019.

To this end, a Binational Working Table has been created with officials from both South American countries, and which initiated sessions on September 28, 2018 in Buenos Aires, Chile’s Energy Ministry announced in an official statement on its website.

The purpose of the table is to guarantee work continuity and follow-up on work in two main areas: hydrocarbons and electric power. The groups and subgroups derived from this special table will generate priorities and proposals to advance the joint work plan, the ministry said.

“With the results of the studies we will have a view of both the economic and technical feasibility of each of the alternatives, as well as the regulatory framework that is basically concluded,” announced Jiménez. “Thereafter, the decision can be made as to which of these lines is the most favorable.”


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