Texas Would Have A ‘Party’ If Mexico Prohibited Fracking

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 16.Oct.2018) — Prohibiting fracking in a generalized manner, as announced by Mexico’s president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), would be an error that would benefit the United States.

“I’d regret this initiative to ban fracking in a general way in our country. The day it happens there would be a party in Texas for the gift we Mexicans are giving them,” reported Mexican media El Financiero, citing Mexico’s Energy Secretariat Pedro Joaquín Coldwell. “It would condemn [Mexico] to continue importing gas.”

Besides, approximately 53% of Mexico’s gas reserves are precisely unconventional resources, he added.

Fracking has been carried out in Mexico since 1960, and nearly 22% of the wells that have been exploited in conventional deposits have used this controversial technique in one way or another, announced Coldwell.



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