Pemex Announces Oil Field Find In Shallow Waters Of Southeast Basin

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(Pemex, 9.Oct.2018) — Pemex CEO, Carlos Treviño, confirmed the discovery of seven reservoirs in two new wells in Mexico’s Southeast Basin, named Manik-101A and Mulach-1, which will allow the company to incorporate more than 180 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE) of 3P reserves.

Accompanied by Mexico’s Energy Secretary and chairman of Pemex’s Board of Directors, Pedro Joaquín Coldwell, Carlos Treviño outlined the progress the company has done in the two fields as well the development of two other fields that will commence production in the near future.

These new shallow water discoveries will become part of Pemex’s portfolio of fields under development that have been discovered in recent years. The combined peak production of the six fields Pemex is currently evaluating and developing could be up to 210,000 b/d. and 350 MMcf/d of natural gas.

Earlier in April 2018, Pemex drilled Manik-101A in a water depth of 90 meters, reaching a total depth of 4,765 meters. It is located northeast of the Manik field and is between the Ixtal and Ixtoc fields, 85 kilometers from the coast and 102 kilometers from Ciudad del Carmen.

Manik-101 discovered two oil reservoirs, one in the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian and another at the Upper Cretaceous horizon. Pemex estimates Manik holds 80 MMBOE of 3P reserves.

Also Pemex successfully drilled Mulach-1 located 8 kilometers from the Yaxche Field and 17 kilometers from Paraiso, Tabasco. This well has a water depth of 21 meters, reaching a total depth of 3,976 meters.

The well discovered five oil reservoirs of light oil in sandstone, dating to the Upper Miocene. Pemex estimates Mulach holds 3P reserve superior to 100 MMBOE.

Treviño also informed that Pemex is assessing its Kinbe and Koban fields, each discovered in 2011 and 2016 respectively. Both are expected to hold important quantities of hydrocarbons.

The Kinbe field is located in the Jurassic rocks and is expected to produce light crude. The field is in a water depth of 21 meters, and a total depth of 5,843 meters.

It is located 28 kilometers from the city of Frontera, Tabasco, the Kinbe-1 well produced more than 5,000 b/d during production trials. Kinbe holds 3P reserves estimated over 120 MMBOE.

Pemex is also delineating its Koban field. Which has a water depth of 11 meters and a total depth of 6,400 meters. The Koban well holds gas and condensate in fractured lime stones of the Cretaceous period with estimated 3P reserves of 205 MMBOE.

Finally, Treviño informed Pemex will soon begin developing its Xikin and Esah shallow water fields. Both fields were discovered in 2015 and hold a combined 360 MMBOE of 3P reserves.

In a water depth of 32 meters, Xikin is located 31 meters from the city of Paraiso, Tabasco. It is in shallow waters 24 kilometers from the coast.

The total depth of the field is located between 6,400 and 7,050 meters and will produce light oil. It has 3P reserves estimated to be around 230 MMBOE.

Additionally, Esah is located 70 kilometers from the coast and 94 kilometers from Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche. The field is in a water depth of 67 meters with a depth ranging 4,200 and 4,700 meters. This field will primarily produce crude, with 3P reserves of 130 MMBOE.

These discoveries are the results of the focus of Pemex’s investments towards areas of greater prospective for oil and they confirm the potential of the Southeast Basin.

Additionally, given its proximity and current infrastructure, its future development will contribute to accomplish the production goals laid out by Pemex in coming years.



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