Energy Reform To Continue To Reap Benefits For Mexico: Treviño Medina

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(Pemex, 27.Sep.2018) — Petróleos Mexicanos CEO, Carlos Treviño Medina, assured that the Energy Reform is beginning to yield important benefits for Mexico by allowing new financial actors to participate that will contribute to the generation of greater wealth for the country.

He stated that this new framework gives the energy sector greater solidity and added that Pemex has more tools to contribute to relevant development in coming years.

This energy reform “is the great reform,” Treviño Medina explained during his speech at the International Forum titled “The Importance and Role of Partnerships in the Development of the Oil Industry in Mexico,” as part of the XIII edition of the Mexican Oil Conference (Congreso Mexicano del Petróleo).

During the encounter he emphasized the confidence that companies from the energy sector have for investing in Mexico and in developing new projects with complete transparency within an appropriate and solid regulatory framework.

“I believe that the Energy Reform has without any doubt proven to be a great reform and I hope that it will continue to bring great benefits to Mexico,” said Treviño Medina who accompanied the BHP Billiton President of Operations, Steve Pastor, CEO and Chairwoman of the Board for DEA Deutsche Erdoel, Maria Moraeus Hanssen, and CEO Grupo Diavaz, Alfredo Bejos Checa on the panel.

Moraeus Hanssen, as well as Pastor and Bejos Checa agreed that the Energy Reform allowed them to gain presence in Mexico which has made dynamic development of the sector possible and with greater benefits for the public.

Moraeus Hanssen explained that thanks to this reform, companies like DEA Deutsche Erdoel are now in Mexico developing projects and consolidating investment plans for the future.

Steve Pastor underscored that this new framework in the energy sector opens the possibility for companies to enter into partnerships with Pemex to promote mutually beneficial projects and stated that the potential to tap into greater benefits is improved through a partnership with Pemex rather than doing it on their own.

Bejos Checa highlighted the benefits that Grupo Diavaz has obtained through this reform that was approved in 2013, which has allowed the company to grow and contribute more to the financial development of the country.

All three agreed that two of the most important reasons for entering into a partnership with Petróleos Mexicanos are the vast knowledge base and know-how of the company, regarding the geography and geology of the fields, as well as regarding the Way of Doing Business in Mexico.

Likewise, the oil companies including Pemex, acknowledged the transparency and order of the opening processes for the participation in farm-outs and migrations.

As the panel’s moderator, Carlos Treviño Medina spoke about the social role of the oil sector as well as the positive impact of the sector in the communities around the country. He especially underscored the importance of the human capital of the sector.

The participants of the panel recognized the responsibility of the Mexican oil sector towards environmental protection and pointed out that the industry is committed to make all necessary efforts to keep this topic always on their work schedule.

In this regard Pemex CEO, Carlos Treviño Medina, mentioned the meeting held recently in New York with other oil companies. Pemex is a member of the Oil & Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI), which has committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere to comply with the Paris Agreement signed in December 2015.



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