Trinidad, Guyana and Suriname: Challenges

Instant Max AI Immediate Frontier Immediate Spike

(AIPN, 27.Jun.2018) – Petroleum consultants and other energy sector experts will discuss the challenges and opportunities in Trinidad & Tobago, Guyana and Suriname during a discussion in London.

The select group will consist of Kevin Ramnarine, former Trinidad & Tobago Energy Minister (2014-15); Energy Strategic Advisor and Lecturer Carlos Bellorin, Principal Consultant, IHS Markit; Lecturer, Queen Mary University and SciencesPo Ekpen Omondude, former Senior Economic Adviser, The Commonwealth Secretariat (2008-2018); Director, Bargate Advisory Limited.


With the discovery of Liza-1 within the Stabroek Block by ExxonMobil and its partners in 2015 – and after years of frustrating exploratory results – all eyes have been on the Southern Caribbean. After Liza-1 and the seven discoveries that followed (including Longtail-1 announced on 20 June 2018), the Guyana-Suriname Basin has all but confirmed its massive potential. On neighbouring sides of Guyana, the E&P outlook has also changed after 2015.

To the east in Trinidad & Tobago – one of the more mature producers in the region – successive governments have tried to bring the island’s hydrocarbons industry to the attention of investors with limited success. Without any significant recent discoveries, Trinidad & Tobago will need to improve its performance and hydrocarbons regime. This will be necessary to replace reserves and increase production if it is to maintain its gas-linked economy and leadership as a gas producer.

To the west lies Suriname. After recent wells have come up dry, it needs (at least) a commercial discovery to finally confirm its long-coveted potential. Venezuela also plays a pivotal role in regards these two, smaller, nations: an embattled Venezuela is currently engaged in a high-profile boundary dispute with Guyana and could enter into a strategic partnership with Trinidad & Tobago over two key gas fields.

During this session, we will touch on the most critical issues from these three countries, including comments on their legal-fiscal regimes and political risk while looking forward to their challenges and opportunities. We will offer an on-the-ground view of one the hottest new deepwater provinces in the world.

WHEN: Thursday, June 28, 2018 (5pm – 8:30pm Europe/London)
VENUE: Bishops Square
WHERE: London E1 6EG United Kingdom

Registration will be from 5:00 – 5:30 p.m., followed by the presentations and Q&A until 7:00 p.m. A networking reception with drinks and canapes will follow from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Online registration has been closed. On-site registration will be on a space available basis and is complimentary for all members and non-members. If you have any questions, please contact Carlos Bellorin at


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