Pemex Director Meets Oil Sector Leaders

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(Pemex, 8.Mar.2017) – The General Director of Petróleos Mexicanos, José Antonio González Anaya, had an intense activity during CERA week, the most important event of the oil industry globally, which is held annually in the city of Houston. Throughout three days, he met with directors of various oil companies and financial institutions.

During the event, he held a fruitful meeting with the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, with whom he reviewed alternatives for the development of joint projects and businesses with entrepreneurs from that state, which concentrates some of the largest oil activities in the world.

Likewise, the head of Pemex undersigned two memoranda of understanding with British Petroleum and the Colombian Ecopetrol to establish a framework of cooperation that will allow for the exchange of technical knowledge, information and experience. Business development opportunities with diverse segments of the hydrocarbon industry will also be explored.

During the event, González Anaya was invited as keynote speaker, and in his speech, he referred to Pemex’ progress in the implementation of its Business Plan and its perspective in looking ahead. He also detailed the alliances strategy in the different business lines, both with regards to exploration and production and in industrial transformation.

He highlighted the undersigning of the first contracts of Pemex in deep waters, with Chevron and Inpex in block 3 North, and with BHP Billiton in the Trion Block, both located in the Cinturón Plegado Perdido. He pointed out that these achievements have been made possible thanks to the advantages granted to the company by the Energy Reform.

The Director of Pemex held a meeting with the presidents of BP, Bob Dudley; Ecopetrol, Juan Carlos Echeverry; Total, Patrick Pouyanné; Statoil, Eldar Saetre; Petrobras, Pedro Parente; Conoco Phillips, Ryan Lance; Anadarko, R. Al Walker; Vopak, Eelco Hoekstra; Honeywell, Darius Adamczyk; Tesoro, Gregory Goff; Hunt Oil, Hunter Hunt; Energy Transfer, Kelcy Warren; Air Products, Seifi Gasemi, and Enesa, Jaime Chico Pardo.

He also held talks with the president of Chevron for Latin America and Africa, Clay Neff; with the executive director of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, and with the directors of Goldman Sachs, Maria Jelescu; of Apollo Global Management, John Bookout, and of the Massachusetts Technological Institute, Robert Armstrong.

The purpose was to tighten the bond with global leaders of the sector and to analyze the possibility of establishing future alliances and collaboration that will help to strengthen the State Productive Company.

As part of the activities of his tour, he also visited the Deer Park refinery that Pemex holds in partnership with the Anglo-Dutch oil company Shell. He held a work meeting with the directors of both the company and the refinery, where he witnessed how well this association, which has held for 24 years, is progressing.


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