Pemex Gasoline Consumption At 22% of Total Vs. 8% in 2011

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Fidencio Casillas, 5.Jun.2016) – The consumption of premium gasoline in Mexico has evolved favorably over the last six years with the Premium grade gaining territory on the Magna grade.

Between 2011 and 2016, the consumption of Pemex’s Premium grade gasoline within the Mexican border increased to 22 percent as of April 2016 compared to 8 percent in 2011, reported Pemex in a twitter post. Conversely, the consumption of the Magna grade gasoline was decreased to 78 percent compared to 92 percent.

Table 1: Consumption of Premium and Magna Gasoline in Mexico (% of Total)

Year —– Premium —- Magna

2011 —– 8% ——— 92%

2012 —– 11% ——– 89%

2013 —– 15% ——– 85%

2014 —– 18% ——– 82%

2015 —– 20% ——– 80%

2016 —– 22% ——– 78%

Note: Data for 2016 through April. Source: Pemex


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