Petrobras Debentures Public Offering

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(Petrobras, 26.Aug.2015) – Petrobras has submitted to the Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association (ANBIMA) a request for the preliminary analysis of registration for the public offer of simple debentures, not convertible into shares, unsecured, in up to 3 series, to be held in accordance with the procedures of CVM Instruction 400, of 29.Dec.2003 and CVM Instruction 471, of 8.Aug.2008.

The offer will initially be for 300,000 debentures with a face value of R$10,000, on the issue date, for a total initial amount of R$3,000,000,000). This amount may be increased through the exercise of the possible distribution of additional debentures and supplementary debentures.

The proceeds of the offer will be used (i) for the planned investments in the Business and Management Plan and/or extending the company’s debt profile; and/or (ii) to fund the expenses already incurred or to be incurred related to the prioritized investment project, in accordance with Law 12,431/11, as will be described in the offer documents.

In due course, a notice to the market will be issued, in accordance with Article 53 of CVM Instruction 400/03, containing information on: (i) the other characteristics of the issue; (ii) where to obtain the preliminary prospectus; (iii) the estimated dates and venues for the disclosure of the offering; and (iv) the conditions, the procedure and the bookbuilding date.

The offer will begin only after (i) the granting of the offer registration by the CVM; (ii) registration for the distribution and trading of the debentures on the CETIP and/or the BM&FBOVESPA, as applicable; (iii) the disclosure of the launch announcement; and (iv) the availability of the final prospectus to investors, including the reference form, prepared by the Company in accordance with CVM Instruction 480, of 7.Dec.2009, as amended.


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