Pemex Dismantles Group With Conflict

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(Pemex, 6.Aug.2015) – Pemex dismantles group composed of companies and public officials that had a conflict of interest in million-dollar contract.

An investigation carried out by the Unit of Responsibilities of Pemex’ Internal Control Unit, led to the identification and acknowledgement of the participation in unlawful acts of Pemex Exploration and Production (PEP) personnel.

Since the beginning of the investigation, Pemex CEO’s Office instructed to provide support and full cooperation to the Unit of Responsibilities of the Ministry of Public Administration (Secretaría de la Función Pública, SFP) in the name of fighting corruption and conflict of interest.

The investigation revealed that the official José Aroldo de Hoyos Morales was responsible for overseeing the work of the contract signed by PEP and the consortium Chamsa Grupo Corporativo S.A. de C.V. and Mava Group Inc., and that he is a partner in the subcontractor company, Encino Integrated Services LLC, along with Eduardo Javier Natividad Maqueda, who is also the president of Mava Group.

This contract consisted of the installation of coiled tubing bonding and operations with coiled tubing equipment in oil wells at assets in the Northern Region, amounting to over MXN 100 mln and just over $21 mln, not including VAT.

Despite the obvious conflict of interest that De Hoyos Morales faced, he did not apologize for intervening in overseeing the contract that benefited his partner; furthermore, he did not report this to Pemex, nor in the declarations submitted to the SFP.

Therefore, the Unit of Responsibilities decided to dismiss José Aroldo de Hoyos Morales and disable him for ten years, in addition to presenting the corresponding criminal complaint before the Office of the Mexican Attorney-General (Procuraduría General de la República, PGR) for conducts possibly constituting as crimes committed by former public officials and active workers in the State-owned Productive Company. Likewise, an audit is carried out for all the work performed and paid to the company in order to determine responsibilities.


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