Energy Efficiency Declaration From The Energy Chamber

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(Energy Chamber, 5.Feb.2019) — Recognizing the role of energy efficiency in simultaneously developing the economy and reducing Trinidad and Tobago’s greenhouse gas emissions, the Energy Chamber has developed an Energy Efficiency Declaration which it hopes will be embraced and adopted by its membership and the wider nation. The Energy Chamber believes that energy efficiency is one of the immediate and impactful ways of optimizing the use of our finite natural resources.

Energy efficiency measures and initiatives will be crucial for the initial reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Getting the industry to best in class levels of efficiency is the equivalent of unlocking a marginal field’s worth of gas. While some options may be more costly than others, collaboration across the sector presents opportunities to reduce costs and identify opportunities.

The overall benefit to the economy is an improved reserves to production ratio, jobs, lower emissions and increased levels of foreign exchange.

The following member companies have already expressed their commitment to the Energy Efficiency Declaration:

— Atlantic

— bpTT BHP Trinidad and Tobago

— Damus Limited

— EOG Resources Trinidad

— Massy Energy

— Shell Trinidad and Tobago Limited

— The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago

— Methanol Holdings (Trinidad) Ltd.

— Methanex Trinidad Limited

— Yara Trinidad Limited

For the full text of the Energy Efficiency Declaration please see below:

The international community has identified improving energy efficiency as a crucial objective to meeting the dual challenges of increasing demand for energy and combatting climate change. Trinidad and Tobago has been consistently ranked as having one of the highest levels of energy intensity in the world and being one of the highest greenhouse gas emitters per capita. Furthermore, over the past decade, Trinidad & Tobago has experienced significant shortfalls in gas availability for industry, resulting in negative impacts to the economy and contributing to the scarcity of foreign exchange.

Recognising the positive impact that higher levels of energy efficiency can have on both the economy and the environment, we the leaders in the energy sector, commit to optimizing the use of Trinidad & Tobago’s finite natural resources and to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through our activities.

The signatories to this Declaration will therefore endeavour to increase the levels of energy efficiency and conservation in the following areas:

* Facilities:- by examining the integration of energy efficient technology, programmes and policies into existing operations;

* Natural gas utilisation, electricity generation and electricity consumption:- by exploring and deploying opportunities to optimize the use of natural resources, raising the awareness of employees, contractors and partners and where applicable examining the use of renewable and sustainable sources of energy;

* Transportation:- through further collaboration in aviation, land & marine transportation logistics and where applicable the use of energy efficient technology.

The signatories to this Declaration further commit to:

* Working collaboratively with the Energy Chamber, other stakeholders in the sector and with the government and international community to ensure that the necessary policy and regulatory environment is in place to encourage investment in energy efficiency and other greenhouse gas reduction activities.

* Report annually, to the Energy Chamber, on the actions that we have taken to improve energy efficiency and decrease greenhouse gas emissions from our companies’ activities


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