Energy Chamber Of Trinidad And Tobago Hosts 1st Downstream Forum

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(Energy Chamber, 26.Feb.2019) — On February 21st, 2019, the Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago hosted the first Downstream Forum which was open to its membership only. The main intent of the forum was to provide energy services companies with sufficient information about upcoming activities within the downstream energy sector. The details shared at the forum assists in forward planning and allows companies to be prepared to take advantage of the available opportunities in the downstream sector. Eighty-eight (88) member companies attended the event which was held at Cara Suites, Claxton Bay.

Eight downstream companies provided updates at the event:

* Atlantic

* Air Liquide

* Industrial Plant Services Limited (IPSL) on behalf of the Proman Group

* Pt Lisas Nitrogen Limited

* The National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited

* Methanex

* Nutrien

* Yara

The 8 companies provided their schedules for turn arounds on individual plants and also schedules for major maintenance work and capital expenditure. Companies also discussed specific services required and contracting strategies for different projects.


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