Colombia’s January Crude Output Up 4.5 Pct Vs Year Ago

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(Reuters, 18.Feb.2019) — Crude oil production in Colombia reached an average of 898,965 barrels per day (bpd) in January, the Mines and Energy Ministry said on Monday, up 4.5 percent from the same month last year.

Natural gas production for December was 1.05 billion cubic feet per day, the ministry said in a statement, up 21 percent year-on-year.

Crude and gas production were at their highest since May 2016 and March 2016, respectively.

State-run Ecopetrol produces the majority of Colombia’s oil.

The following is a breakdown of Colombia’s average daily oil output.


———— 2019 —- 2018

JAN ——- 898 —– 860

FEB —————— 823

MAR —————– 856

APR —————– 865

MAY —————– 866

JUNE —————– 863

JULY —————– 860

AUG —————– 866

SEPT —————– 868

OCT —————– 879

NOV —————– 883

DEC —————– 889

(Note: Some figures may have been modified slightly by the Energy Ministry since they were initially released.)

Source: Colombia’s Energy Ministry


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