Emergency Fuel Supply Provided to Grenada after Beryl

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(MEEI, 6.Jul.2024) — In response to the devastating impact of Hurricane Beryl on the islands of Grenada and Carriacou, the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, through the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, has coordinated with Paria Fuel Trading Company Limited to deliver an emergency supply of fuel to both islands at no cost to the Government of Grenada.

With the assistance of Trinity Liftboat Services and SOL EC Limited, engaged by PARIA for transportation, a total of 380 barrels of High Sulphur Diesel were successfully delivered to Carriacou, and 820 barrels of Ultra-Low Sulphur Diesel (ULSD) were delivered to Grenada on Friday, 5 July 2024.

“The swift and efficient delivery of these fuel supplies is crucial for the recovery and rebuilding efforts in Grenada and Carriacou,” said the Honourable Minister of Energy, Mr. Stuart R Young SC, MP “We are committed to standing by our Caribbean neighbors during this difficult time and providing the necessary support to help them rebuild and recover.”

The Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries and PARIA extends its gratitude to all parties involved in this operation, Trinity Liftboat Services, and SOL EC Limited for their dedicated efforts in ensuring the successful delivery of these critical resources.


The COSIMA PG, the SOL ship that delivered the fuel to Grenada and Carriacou. (Source: MEEI)

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