BPTT’s Angelin Project Gets Green Light

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(BPTT, 1.Jun.2017) — BP Trinidad and Tobago LLC announced the sanction for the development of its Angelin offshore gas project.

The project will feature the construction of a new platform – bpTT’s 15th offshore production facility – 60 kilometres off the south-east coast of Trinidad in water-depth of approximately 65 metres.

The development will include four wells and will have a production capacity of approximately 600 million standard cubic feet of gas a day (mmscfd). Gas from Angelin will flow to the Serrette platform hub via a new 21 kilometre pipeline.

Drilling is due to commence in Q3 2018 and first gas from the facility is expected in 1Q 2019.

BPTT Regional President Norman Christie said: “We are pleased to be able to announce the sanction of the Angelin project which was made possible due to the execution of a new gas sales contract with the National Gas Company. Successful completion of these negotiations was important not only to the sanction of Angelin but will also underpin a further US$5-$6 billion in potential future investments over the next five years. These investments are important to increasing indigenous national gas production and bringing more stability to gas supply to the downstream and Atlantic.”

Christie also thanked NGC for its role in facilitating the negotiations: “I would like to recognize NGC for the spirit of cooperation they brought to the negotiating table and working to ensure that the new agreement would benefit the entire gas value chain.”

Angelin was originally discovered by the El Diablo well in 1995 and appraised by the La Novia well in 2006.

Note to editors:

BPTT operates in 904,000 acres off Trinidad’s east coast. BPTT has 14 offshore platforms and two onshore processing facilities. BPTT is 70 per cent owned by BP and 30 per cent owned by Repsol.


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