Diverse Companies See Opportunities in “Oil and Gas” Summit

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(SEOGS, 21.Jun.2022) — With more than 500 participants, the exhibition that is linked to the second edition of the Suriname, Energy, Oil and Gas Summit (SEOGS) seems to be the ideal place for networking, information and business. Two diverse, but highly motivated, companies that have chosen to participate in the fair are Inproser NV and Ernst and Young (EY). Inproser specializes in innovative forms of safety and security and EY provides high quality financial services.

In the recent period, in which Covid-19 had a huge impact on its services, Malcolm Bilkerdijk of Inproser has mainly invested in its business operations. His company was recently ISO 9001: 2015 certified.

This means that the service meets a high quality standard. “I closely follow the ‘oil and gas’ sector in Suriname and the companies that are active in this sector cannot do without safety and security. I can contribute with my company and the services that Inproser offers to help realize the goals of these companies. We do not only security, but also security. We can also think along with partners who need it,” says Bilkerdijk. “What we offer is very diverse: from security for expats to journey management and advice on the installation of necessary equipment by the oil companies.” Bilkerdijk sees this sector as one with many opportunities for the future. “With my company I invest in innovation for the future. This sector is so important that every company should be focused on it.”

Andrew Tom is country managing partner at EY in Suriname. EY is one of the gold sponsors of the fair. According to Tom, the fact that EY is the only one of the Big Four – Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), KPMG, and Ernst & Young– to have a branch in Suriname is proof that the company believes in the future of Suriname. According to him, the energy sector is in one of the biggest transitions of all time. “The world is rapidly transitioning from fossil fuels to green energy. We help companies to meet the social and economic demands of countries to reduce greenhouse gases. Suriname is also a party to the Paris Agreement and has committed itself to it,” explains Tom.

According to him, non-renewable and renewable energy can coexist, but there must be a way to invest the benefits of the non-renewable energy in the renewable one. “Also because Suriname has so many natural resources as one of the greenest countries on earth,” says Tom. As a gold sponsor, EY also invites one of the experts in the field of REDD+ to participate in the summit. Patrice Lefeu is associate partner global climate & sustainability deputy leader/climate finance leader and will hold a workshop on the third day of the summit. The summit will last from June 28 to 30 and will be held in Torarica.


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