YPFB to Drill $35 Mln MYC-X1 Study Well

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Ian Silverman, 23.Jul.2018) – Bolivia’s state oil company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) plans to drill the Mayaya Centro (MYC-X1) stratigraphic investigative well in 2019 with an estimated investment of $35 million.

The well — to be drilled to an approximate depth of 5,500 meters — is planned for the Lliquimuni area located in northern La Paz, and forms part of the mandate of the Bolivian government to convert the western department of the country into a producing region, reported the daily newspaper La Razon.

Evaluation work north of La Paz could allow the region to become a new hydrocarbon region, producing natural gas, condensates, and petroleum, and allow the government to collect additional royalties, reported the daily, citing Bolivia’s Hydrocarbon Minister Luis Alberto Sánchez.


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