Ecuador Permits Alcoholic Beverages at Service Stations

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 21.Jun.2016, Clifford Fingers III) – Ecuador has decided it will allow its service stations to again distribute alcoholic beverages.

The distribution of alcoholic beverages at the stations will have some restrictions, reported the daily El Universo, citing Ecuador’s Interior Vice-Minister Diego Fuentes. The beverages cannot be consumed internally and products should have a ‘moderate alcoholic content. ‘

The government will also allow alcoholic beverages to be sold on Sundays. The sale of such beverages was restricted in 2010 as the Ecuadorian government sought to reduce the indices of violence and other insecurities while also trying to promote family union. The government also restricted the sale of alcoholic beverages between Monday and Saturday at so-called fun parks.

The move to sell alcoholic beverages on Sundays will allow Ecuador to “reactivate tourism and commerce in the country,” said Fuentes.


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