YPFB to Boost LPG Supply During Winter Period

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Jared Yamin, 25.May.2016) – YPFB will increase the supply of LPG cylinders to an average 158,000 per day from 130,000 per day to guarantee supply of the product during the winter period which runs through August and potentially September.

The priority is to supply the internal market first, reported the daily newspaper La Razón, citing YPFB President Guillermo Achá.

YPFB plans to supply LPG to the following regions: La Paz (45,000 per day), Cochabamba (29,000), Santa Cruz (48,000), Oruro (8,100), Potosí (8,000), Chuquisaca (8,000), Tarija (7,500), Beni (3,500) and Pando (900).


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