Ecopetrol Extraordinary Shareholder’s Meeting

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(Ecopetrol S.A., 14.Aug.2015) – Due to the resignation of Mr. Gonzalo Restrepo Lopez and the election of his replacement, the CEO of Ecopetrol S.A. hereby calls on Shareholders to attend the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting to be held on 4.Sep.2015, starting at 7:30 a.m. at Ecopetrol’s auditorium located in Cra.13 No. 36 – 24, Bogota, Colombia.

The agenda of the meeting will be: – Safety guidelines, – Quorum verification, – Opening by the CEO of Ecopetrol, – Approval of the agenda, – Appointment of the President for the meeting, – Appointment of the Commission in charge of scrutinizing elections and polling, – Appointment of the Commission in charge of reviewing and approving the minutes of the meeting, and – Election of the Board of Directors (originated in the vacant position due to the resignation of Mr. Gonzalo Restrepo Lopez as director of the Board).     The resumes of the current directors and the candidate nominated by the majority shareholder to fill the vacant position are available on Ecopetrol’s Web site.

Shareholders that are not able to attend the Shareholders’ Meeting may be represented through a proxy, granted in writing, pursuant to the requirements provided for under Colombian Corporate Law. In order to facilitate the fulfillment of these requirements, shareholders are allowed to download from the website, various proxy models that have been designed for each relevant case.

Except for the cases of legal representation, officers and employees of Ecopetrol shall not be entitled to represent shares other than their own, while in exercise of their posts, nor shall be allowed to substitute the powers of attorney conferred upon them.

In all events, shareholders’ representation shall be subject to the rules set forth under Colombian Corporate Law and Securities Regulations, concerning illegal, unauthorized and unsafe practices by the issuers of securities.


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