Fuel Issues Reported In Bolivia In La Paz And El Alto

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(Energy Analytics Institute, 10.Aug.2020) — Issues with fuel supply have reportedly emerged in La Paz and El Alto as seen by long lines of vehicles at various gas stations in the cities.

The La Paz-based Association of Private Hydrocarbon Suppliers (Asosur by its Spanish acronym) warned fuel shortages could become more acute due to blockades at fuel distribution plants that supply gasoline and diesel as called by the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB by its Spanish acronym) against postponement of general elections.

Blockages have occurred at Yacimientos Petrolifos Fiscales Bolivianos’ Senkata plant in El Alto, reported local media outlet La Razón, citing Asosur General Manager Carla Zuleta.


By Ian Silverman. © Energy Analytics Institute (EAI). All Rights Reserved.

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