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(Atlantic LNG, 10.Feb.2020) — Over our years of expansion, between 1999 – 2005, we first tripled the capacity of Train 1 with Trains 2 and 3, and then nearly doubled Train 1’s capacity with the construction of Train 4. The facility’s full capacity is 15 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of LNG. Atlantic’s liquefaction process is the Phillips Optimised Cascade Process, an improved version of the process that was first used at the LNG facility in Kenai, Alaska in the United States.

At the heart of the company’s production is a fleet of twenty-eight (28) GE Frame 5 turbine compressors, the largest fleet in the world.

GE also has a Turbine Maintenance Workshop on Atlantic’s facility as part of our Contractual Service Agreement (CSA) for maintenance.

The facility design and liquefaction process incorporates the compressors in parallel series. This facilitates production when one compressor is down for maintenance or otherwise offline.

Atlantic operates and manages four (4) LNG Trains, each owned by a group of members in its own holding Company.

Train 1

Train 1 began commercial operations on March 13, 1999 being the first LNG facility to operate in the Atlantic Basin, and the second in the Western Hemisphere. The first shipment of LNG left Trinidad and Tobago on May 1, 1999, bound for Boston, Massachusetts.

Train 1: Capacity
LNG: 3.0 mtpa
NGLs: 6,000 bpd

Train 1: Partners
— Shell – 46%
— BP – 34%
— NGC – 10%
— Chinese Investment Corporation (CIC) – 10%

Trains 2/3

Trains 2 and 3 are characterised by an identical design, footprint and capacity. Trains 2 and 3 supply approximately 12,000 barrels of NGLs to Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL) under a long-term agreement.

Trains 2/3: Capacity
LNG: 3.3 mtpa (each)
NGLs: 5,000 – 6,000 bpd (each)

Trains 2/3: Parnters

— Shell – 57.5%
— BP – 42.5%

Train 4

At the time it was constructed in 2005 and for the first few years of its operation, Train 4 was the world’s largest LNG train, with a capacity of 5.2 million tonnes of LNG per annum. Train 4 began its commercial operations on May 1, 2007 and also supplies NGLs to Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (PPGPL) under a long-term agreement.

Train 4: Capacity
LNG: 5.2 mtpa
NGLs: 12,000 bpd

Train 4: Partners

— Shell – 51.11%
— BP – 37.78%
— NGC – 11.11%


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