GEB Acquires 0.01% Of EDSAA Shares

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(Energy Analytics Institute, Piero Stewart, 10.Jan.2020) — Bogotá Energy Group (GEB) was awarded 0.01% of the shares of Electro Dunas S.A.A. (EDSAA) by the Lima Stock Exchange in Peru as a result of a Public Procurement Offer (OPA by its Spanish acronym) made 9 December 2019.

EDSAA is an affiliate of Dunas Energía S. A. A., which in turn is 100% owned by the GEB, and participates in power distribution and commercialization activities in Peru, serving around 240,000 users, online media El Espectador reported 10 January 2020.

Prior to the transaction, Dunas Energía owned 99.96% of the shares of EDSAA. GEB was seeking 0.04% of the shares but only obtained 0.01%, according to El Espectador as only 21,221 owners of common shares with voting rights and representing the capital stock of EDSAA accepted GED’s offer.

The shares were purchased at a price of 3.59 soles per share or about US$1.08 per share.


© Energy Analytics Institute (EAI)

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