Ecopetrol Updates On Invercolsa Shares

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(Ecopetrol, 6.Nov.2019) — Ecopetrol S.A. reports that, as mentioned in certain media and in searches on the Judiciary website, the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice has handed down a ruling upholding the Superior Court of Bogotá’s decision invalidating the acquisition in 1997 of 145 million ordinary shares of INVERCOLSA by Mr. Fernando Londoño Hoyos, which means these shares will revert to the property of Ecopetrol S.A., thus increasing its equity stake in INVERCOLSA from 43.35% to 51.88%.

It is important to clarify that the ruling has not been notified to date, and therefore its legal and financial implications will be evaluated in detail once the Company has received the complete text of the court decision.


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