DVNV Says Better Confidence Essential

(DNV, 10.Jun.2024) — DNV examines how digital twins can support the UK’s net-zero objectives in a new report, emphasizing the critical role of industry collaboration and trust in ensuring the substantial contribution of digital twins to the energy transition.

This report includes interviews with regulators, asset owners, consultancies, and government innovation agencies, revealing crucial insights into the UK’s path to net zero. The report, Connected Digital Twin Insights: Rising to the Challenge across the UK Energy Sector and Beyond, explores the opportunities, benefits, barriers, and risks of connected digital twins in the UK energy sector and looks for the answer to a fundamental question – “How can I trust my digital twin?”

The UK’s first Energy Digitalization Strategy outlines the necessity of a digitized energy system, as only intelligent data-based systems can accommodate the influx of millions of new energy flows per second from emerging low-carbon technologies that will be connected to the grid in the coming years.

With the country’s energy CAPEX expected to rise significantly (as projected in DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook UK 2024[i]), digitalization offers substantial cost-saving opportunities through smarter energy management, against a backdrop of volatility, unpredictability, and complexity. However, trust in the technology and data integrity is vital for the successful adoption of digital twins, with cyber security being a significant concern.

With this in view, the report recommends creating a “National Digital Twin” to simulate and interconnect assets, processes, and systems – underscoring the need for trust and collaboration across the sector, essential for effective data sharing and integration.


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