Atlantic LNG Records 4500th LNG Cargo

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(Atlantic LNG, 8.Apr.2022) — Almost 23 years after delivering its first cargo, LNG production company Atlantic completed loading its 4500th cargo on 8 April 2022 onto the vessel Cool Discoverer at the #2 Jetty at its Point Fortin Facility.

Atlantic Chief Executive Officer Ron Adams praised the achievement as testimony to the company’s commitment to safe and reliable operations and the crucial role Trinidad & Tobago continues to play in the global LNG business.

“It’s a big day for us, delivering 4500 cargoes is a significant milestone marking a long legacy of value creation for the people of Trinidad and Tobago,” Adams said. “Our commitment to community, country, and the exciting opportunities we see for our business as global LNG demand rises is all part of the delivery of every cargo. We know just how important it is to play our part in the global energy transition, and I want to commend all Atlantic’s employees and service providers for their contribution to this accomplishment which helps to fuel the success of our country.”

Atlantic’s first LNG cargo was lifted in April 1999. LNG gargoes from the Atlantic facility are delivered to multiple worldwide destinations in Europe, USA, South America, Asia, and the Caribbean.


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